Solutions in the Works?
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands closer to getting $2 billion for electric grid repairs
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will publish a federal register notice for $1.93 billion in electrical grid funding, outlining the rules and regulations governing its use. The money is meant to help the electrical system become more resistant to future storms and climate change, as well as emit less carbon dioxide. It also requires the island’s government to outline how it will ensure the money reaches marginalized and underserved populations.
Letter to VI WAPA Electric Consumers (Ratepayers)
Stephanie Scott-Williams
c/o P.O. Box 502883
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00805
(340) 514-5379
August 17, 2019
To VI WAPA Electric and Water Consumers (Ratepayers);
According to the V.I. Code, TITLE THIRTY Chapter 1, Subchapter I. § 1. Public utilities subject to regulation: (a) The following services provided by an individual, firm, co-partnership, association, corporation or other person for compensation are declared to be affected with a public interest and are defined to be a public utility subject to this chapter, and the person providing such service to be a “public utility”:
(4) water supply services; except retail deliveries;
(5) electric power service.
As the “Ratemaking authority” defined in the V.I. Code, TITLE THIRTY Public Service Chapter 2. § 46, the Public Service Commission a.k.a. PSC is the only regulatory entity that can approve or disapprove utility rate increases. The PSC is therefore called upon to cease and desist consideration of any and all rate increases, for the V.I. Water and Power Authority a.k.a. WAPA through its Governing Board until the PSC has thoroughly reviewed:
- Findings of WAPA’s Audits and Evaluations from 2009 to present;
- WAPA’s Response to Audits;
- a) WAPA’s Corrective Action(s) Taken; b) If No Corrective Action(s), why not;
- Accounting of the monies spent from the issued WAPA bonds floated since 2009 to date;
- Accounting of the monies spent from FEMA for Hurricanes Irma and Maria to date;
- PSC’s findings of the last Annual Assessment of WAPA according to V.I.C. Title 30, Chapter1, Subchapter 1, 25a;
- Results of PSC’s investigation of WAPA’s request for a rate increase;
- WAPA’s Governing Board plan(s) to resolve the outstanding $215.6 million bond debt.
If we think we will have any significant impact on WAPA by not paying our utility bill, wrong. It will only cause us not to have electricity. Therefore, the PSC is petitioned to cease and desist any consideration of rate increases for WAPA through its Governing Board.
Once the PSC conducts its investigative findings based on the above inquires, we expect the PSC to:
- Report to the VI WAPA Electric and Water Consumers (Ratepayers);
- Hold “Evidentiary hearing(s)”, open to the public on its WAPA findings;
- Have the WAPA Governing Board provide plan(s) of action to rectify.
You are welcome to use this information to petition the PSC before their October 3, 2019 meeting.
Stephanie Scott-Williams
A VI WAPA Electric Consumer (Ratepayer)
Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (W AP A) 2009 Audit
In January 2009, the Office of the Inspector General received a petition claiming that WAPA had imposed “unbearable rate increases” on the people of the Virgin Islands. The over 700 petitioners requested that they review how the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) recovers the cost of fuel from its customers — through the use of the Levelized Energy Adjustment Clause (LEAC) rate — and how it oversees contracting services, credit card usage, implementation of past audits, and consultant recommendations. Since then, they were inundated with telephone requests for similar reviews.
Virgin Islands’ Alliance for Consumer Justice Cover Statement for the 7/31/19 WAPA Petition